Raphaël Weis

Software engineering student.

Hi. My name is Raphaël, and this is my personal website. Below this paragraph, you will find:

  1. A short presentation of me and my current situation.
  2. A list of the topics I’m currently studying or working on.
  3. A detailed presentation of my most significant work at this point of my career.
  4. Some contact information, and links to my relevant socials, including GitHub and LinkedIn.
  5. A download link to my resume in PDF Format. (I want the resume right now!)
  6. A paragraph explaining the philosophy behind this website, how I made it and why it is the way it is.

About me

I am currently a software engineering student, at 20 years of age. I started my academic journey by a DUT (Diplôme universitaire de technologie) in mechanical and production engineering - because I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my career. At the end of my diploma, I was exposed to VBA during an internship at Renault Trucks, and began to develop a growing interest in software engineering. Luckily for me, I was able to apply to and successfully enter in the computer science major of the University of Technology of Troyes, a well renowned school based in Troyes, France. That was back in 2022. I am now well into my software journey, and have never looked back on my career choices since. I’ve learned a tremendous amount of things over the past two years, and continue doing so to this day. I have proven to myself I could do this at a professional level during an internship at Orange (French network operator leader) in 2023 which resulted in me getting the highest grade possible. I am now back to studying, and will seek another internship in 2025, for my final semester before graduation.

What I currently do

I am now back in Troyes for a regular semester, until summer 2024. This semester, I took the following classes:

My most significant project

Back in July 2023, I started my first internship as a software engineer, at , a French multinational telecommunications corporation, employing over 130 000 people worldwide. I was put to work on a project in the R&D department, as an intern software engineer. The project I worked on, named Scambio (Italian for transaction), was created after the appearance of the PSD2, the European Payment Service Directive 2, a directive which opened the use of wire transfer payments by third party companies (that is, companies other than banks) to collect payments online. Orange partnered with Fintecture, a French startup, to start developing a product making use of the new regulations, and this is the product I was put to work on. As part of the main development team, I was able to make contributions to both the backend and the frontend, and was given a great deal of autonomy to experiment, make changes and put out new features. During this 6 month span, my most notable achievements were:

I notably worked with the following technologies:

As I have stated before, I was able to score the highest grade possible on this internship, and as such consider this experience a true success. I was able to provide real value for the project, and the company as a whole, and learned the most out of any of my academic semesters so far. I take back this experience with me to continue my studies, and strive to hone my technical and academical skills before seeking another internship, in 2025.

Contact Information

If you wish to contact me, you can do so by email at raphael.weis.dev@gmail.com, or on LinkedIn.

You might also want to check my

GitHub profile, I've pinned some projects I've worked on!


If you read through all of this, you are probably interested in getting your hands on my resume. In it, you will find more information about my academic background, and a list of all my past work experiences. You know how it goes, it’s a classic resume.

Download my resume in PDF format.

About this website

This website was made with the most basic technologies the web has to offer. No libraries, no frameworks, no bundle, just plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And you can see it, it’s boring. It doesn’t have much color, only one image, and the rest is just plain black text on a white background. This is on purpose. Do you want to know what this website does have though ?

Now I know what you want to say. “This website is extremely simple, it was very easy to implement all the things you mentioned above!”. And you’re absolutely right. This website is fast and accessible, because there isn’t much to it. And I believe there doesn’t need to be. I have experience building complex and reactive UI’s. But I also want to keep things simple when they can be. I could have showcased some of my UI building skills in this website, instead I chose to make it this way. Because the web should be simple, when it can be.

I drew heavy inspiration from the following project: M***********g Website. Of course, this had to be more polite. It’s a portfolio website, after all.

a picture of an avocado carrying it's shell like a backpack Page source